Monday, December 14, 2009

How much is too much?

This entry is completely ridiculous…read at your own risk. When does hot chocolate cross the line from not so bad for you to half of your daily caloric intake/addiction? I am worried I am teetering on a thin line and I don’t want to end up at weekly HCA meetings. I could blame this ‘problem’ on -3 degree weather but to be honest I think I could drink hot chocolate all year long. So is it weird that I drink on average four-five glasses of hot chocolate a day? How much is too much? How much hot chocolate do you drink?


Paulina said...

It is not weird that you drink so much hot chocolate- it is weird that you drink it in glasses! what happened to mugs? :P... I miss you J!
And I am addicted to all holiday candy, can't stop.Help. Let's play until Billy is done with finals.

Chelsea said...

Your not crazy. You are so cute and tiny, drink it up!!! I love mint hot chocolate, I only drink it like once a week though, don't have that addiction, but I do enjoy it. I also love hot apple cider...with caramel. MMMMMM...

Sarah said...

I believe hot chocolate should be the base of the food pyramid. At least it is at the base of mine. Right below rice cakes.

Remember that time your were out on laughing gas you got the wrong type of hot chocolate.

Anonymous said...

That's not weird. I can't get myself to stop. Scott told me last night that its a treat and now I feel guilty and can't drink it all week. It's not a treat, right? Just a drink.

Preston and Jamyn said...

Oh my gosh! What a relief! I though I was alone in this HCA thing. I seriously stop at the Chevron 2-3 times a day to get HC and then drink Stephen's HC at my house. Not to mention you could say I'm probably the pickiest HC drinker there is.... bless my heart...or our hearts.